Kick-a-thon Fundraiser May 5 & 6!
Dear Students and Parents,
One of our primary goals at Kicks Karate is to develop positive life skills and teach lessons that will impact our students’ lives not only today, but long after they leave our program. These include skills such as, the “3 rules of concentration”, “first time listening”, and having an “attitude of gratitude”.
Our definition of an “attitude of gratitude” is to be thankful for everything we have, but also wanting to help others who can use our assistance, or are less fortunate. Before the pandemic, we used to host an annual kick-a-thon to raise awareness and resources for a charitable organization to express our own “attitude of gratitude”.
This year we are bringing it back! We have chosen the Make-a-Wish Foundation of the Mid-Atlantic as the organization that we will work with. Feel free to visit their website and read the inspiring stories at
Here is how the “kick-a-thon” works and how you can help. On Friday and Saturday, May 5th and 6th, we will host the “kick-a-thon” at all eight of our locations. Each participating student will seek out relatives, friends, teachers, and neighbors to sponsor them to perform 100 kicks at 10 cents per kick, for a total of $10.00 per sponsor. The more sponsors the student gets, the more money we raise for Make-a-Wish of the Mid-Atlantic.
Please understand that this is a voluntary program, but one that we truly hope you will get behind and endorse. We have a terrific opportunity to not only help a lot of people in need, but also to teach our children a valuable life lesson. All proceeds will go to Make-a-Wish of the Mid-Atlantic and Donate Now
It is through my own “attitude of gratitude” that I sincerely thank you for your consideration of this program. Our entire staff is looking forward to this event. As always, thank you for everything you do to make Kicks Karate such a special place of learning.
Yours in the spirit of the martial arts,
John Bussard
CEO & 8th DAN Black Belt